Monday, July 4, 2011

We The People, Inc.

"WE THE PEOPLE" Ever stop to think of these words? I have been thinking about them a lot lately. Our elected officials seem to have forgotten them completely. I am sure that the internet as tons to do with the fact that almost daily we are bombed with an official gone bad. Sex scandals, theft, mail fraud, you name it its there.
In my opinon We The People cast the vote; We The People pay taxes; thus We The People sign your paychecks. In We The People's world he who signs our paychecks is called the boss! So, that being said, here is my message.

Dear Elected Offical,

You have been employed by us for quite some time now. You have seem to forget why we elected you. Remember your campaign? Remember those fliers, slogans, debate answers? Remember those babies you hugged, hands you shook, the donations to your campaigns? Remember those faces smiling up at you as you pledged to change our world for the positive? We do!
You are not holding up to your end of the job. We are disappointed in quite a few things, and frankly, if one of us "We The People" did even the smallest of things you are doing on our job, we would be unemployed.
Now don't get me wrong, I firmly believe that you deserve (and should have the right to) to have a personal life. I am not much concerned with what you chose to do in your personal life, off the clock. I do, however, not intend to pay for your meals, trips, ect. If I can't afford those meals or trips, I am not interested in paying for you to enjoy those things, use the paycheck we give you and pay for those yourself! When you are on the clock, you work for us, do your job. Most of us put in, at the very least, a 40 hour work week. This usually includes some sort of lunch. I think and hour for lunch is acceptable. Take two 15 minute breaks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Vacation time and sick time is allowed, but shouldn't be greater than what the general public would receive.
Please remember this, when you have a bill, law or ordinance to vote on and you represent 51,000 people (let me be clear, this is just an example, we elected you figuring you are smart enough to "get this") say 50,000 call you against said motion, use your head! Don't side with the 1,000, you were elected because majority rules around here, put that in motion. Quit siding with "he who offers you the most". We The People pay you handsomely to represent us, we EXPECT no DEMAND that you quit taking bribes, lunches, trips ect so that someones life becomes easier and you mess the rest of our lives up.
Quit taking advantage of the position we hired you for, do your job! Start practicing good work ethics, because when you come up for review you may very well find yourself out of a job. Trust me, out in We The People land jobs are hard to come by. Bosses don't tolerate the behavior you have been used to. The bills, laws and ordinances YOU passed because someone gave you a treat (sorry, just realized that made you sound like a trained pet) to vote for just may come back to bite you in the butt. If you need help filling out the 16 pages of information needed to get food stamps, I am sure We The People can help you out, after all by then you will be one of us again.

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