It's hard to be thankful just on Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for so many things. How lucky for you to get to read about some of them! LOL
First there is my wonderful husband. He works tirelessly for our family everyday. He loves us all unconditionally, which I am so sure is hard some days. The poor man lives in the estrogen ocean and has the patience of Job! Not to many men I know can work on a remodel project with the help of two ADD women and never lose his temper!! He is my strength, my best friend, the man God designed just for me. He is the outward reflection of God's perfect love for me and I am so thankful for everyday we have together. I am thankful that we get to spend more time together than most couples and thankful that when we do have to be apart, my heart still flutters with excitement when he gets home. He is truly one of the biggest blessings in my life.
I am thankful for my beautiful children. They make life less serious. Now realistically everyone knows kids can be exhausting, challenging, and frustrating, but then they turn around and say those magic words "I love you" and BAM you forget that mess! I am loving seeing my oldest grow into the Godly woman she was ment to be. We always said she would be out spreading the Word of God one day, she sure seems on that path! Our youngest...well...she will be spreading cheer and humor, at least if she stays on the path she is on. She is a clown and doesn't really care what anyone thinks of her. She marches to the beat of her own drum, I love that!!
I am thankful for Audrey, aka Tini. She has been a joyous addition to our home and brought with her a wonderful Mom and Grandma to share. We have all taught each other, loved each other, lifted each other and cried with each other. She is truly family and we are blessed that she came to just visit one weekend, that seems like forever ago. God truly brought her here to share our lives and we couldn't have made it thru the past few years without her.
I am thankful for the special angels God has sent thru a series of unfortunate events. I have learned to view life from an entirely new perspective and can see the hand of God truly "working all things for His glory". I am thankful for following stories such as Alex (The Boy Who Went to Heaven) and Tripp Roth, these two amazing little men have shown the world the love of the Lord thru extraordinary circumstances. Courtney Roth, Tripp's momma, has shown the world the strength of a mother thru suffering. I truly can say, she is the first mom I can compare to Mary mother of Christ. Her demonstration of faith is amazing to me and I only pray I have that strength one day. These two special little boys have shown the world God's love. If you have never heard of them please search them out and read their stories, you will be blessed by them.
I am truly thankful for my inlaws. My father in law was a challenging person, to say the least, but he taught my husband strength, perseverance, and what it is to work hard. Not to mention when he was funny, he was flippin FUNNY!! I was never blessed enough to meet my mother in law, yet I feel I see her daily. The seeds of kindness she planted in my husband have grown into a mighty strong tree and she is looking down so proud of the Godly man he has become. Yet again, examples of how God can turn all things to work for His Glory, each step in my hubby's life has brought him to where he is now.
I am exceptionally thankful for my parents. They truly love me unconditionally, thank goodness because I have done some really STUPID things! LOL They have been the best parenting examples and I pray I can be as good of a parent as they were to me to my girls. They taught me not to judge others, that diversity is a good thing, that life takes work and to take things in stride.
I am most thankful for my Lord and Savior. He rescued me from the pits of Hell before I even knew Him. He guided me right where He wanted me, back on His path. Without Him I would still be lost in the world. My relationship with Him has been life changing and I am thankful my children have known Him from birth. I pray He keeps them from making the mistakes we have made, but I know that if they do He will guide them back on His path. He is my Rock, my Comforter, my Strength, and my Light in the dark world. I can't wait for the day of His return!! PRAISE HIM!!
May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving. Enjoy a wonderful feast and remember all the wonderful things you have to be thankful for. BE BLESSED!!
so glad you posted, happy thanksgiving so much to be thankful for