Monday, January 3, 2011

Thoughts on God

I have been thinking a lot about God and His purpose for our lives.  Ok so to be fair someone put these thoughts in motion, I am just running with them.  I hear all about God's purpose for our lives.  We need to find His purpose and fulfill it.  Here is my thought on that.  What is the difference in us finding purpose in our lives that God has set for us and Oprah or Dr. Phil telling us we need to have purpose?  Just because its used in a Godly sense the idea is still the same.  What purpose exactly are we looking for and why do we HAVE to have one?  The sense of having purpose is a comforting feeling that our lives have meaning.  If you don't find your purpose does that mean your  life had no meaning?  NO! I don't think so!!!

As a couple we decided to have children.  We didn't have a specific purpose in mind for their lives or existence.  We are blessed with two beautiful children who daily give us joy.  Yes, they sometimes give us grief, but how does their behavior differ from our behavior through God's eyes? As parents we love, teach and delight in our children.  Doesn't God do the same with us?  He teaches through His Word, loves us and delights in us.  He created us to have relationship with Him.  He didn't create us with a specific job in mind.  What I mean is he didn't create me to specifically be a doctor.  How do I know? Easy, He knew me before I was born, He knew me at the creation of the Earth.  He created the Earth with no sickness, the fall brought that mess. There was no need for doctors or specific job titles in general.   

So to say He has a specific job in mind for us baffles me.  I believe he wants us to be successful (wouldn't you want that for your children), He wants us to show Him through our walk in life to others so they may choose to come to know Him.  To have that relationship we were created to have with Him.  I believe that He does open and close doors for us, but not to show us that path to our purpose, but to show us the path to His will. There is a difference between His will for us and His purpose for us.

I think that to often we make our walk with God hard on ourselves.  God wants us to enjoy our lives! Don't you love watching your children enjoying life.  Isn't it delightful to hear giggles of children blowing bubbles, or playing in the beautiful outdoors.  Don't you think God smiles when we stop to watch a sunset He created or smell a flower?  How do I know God wants us to enjoy His creation to the fullest.....ready....He created fire flies.  Yep, fire flies.  What purpose do fire flies really serve to the eco system. Ok, so don't go google it, I am just making a point.  God took the time to create a bug who's butt lights up for our amusement.  What a cool God! Come on, you know just thinking about them makes you smile, you can almost smell a hint of summer air.  Oh and if you are lucky enough to live in the south you can even smell the night jasmine while thinking about it!!!

If fire flies, sunsets, flowers and many other things were created for us to enjoy in life.  Why can't our God ordained purpose be to delight God in every way? It doesn't matter your job title, status in society, or any other social demand, if you what you do for the Glory of God, if your light shines bright for all to see, if you make one person smile because you were kind, did you not fulfill your purpose?

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