Monday, January 17, 2011

The World and Discontent and Other Rantings!

Theory of Relativity: No two objects can occupy the same space at the same time.
In the same way, my heart, my life, my soul cannot be occupied by both the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world at the same time.
Technology, I LOVE it! I have to admit, if someone offered me unlimited spending at any store of my choice I would pick Best Buy! Everyone would have the newest electronic devices, my TV would be powered by Google, my appliances would be top of the line...then what? What would be next? Really those things would be out of date by the time we walked out of the store. Wow, technology moves fast.
Wants move just as fast. My children want all the time. One wants a Barbie Jeep, one doesn't really know what she wants, EVER! Contentment never seems to come. As a adult it took major life events to reach contentment. God won't give you more until you are content with what he has given to you. Just like as parents we try not to overload our children with things that they are ungrateful for, God won't overload us until we show gratitude. How do you get this thru to a 10 year old or a 6 year old?
The world tells them they have to have more and more and more. Their friends tell them they have the best of the best, making them feel inferior.
Ah to go back to the simple life! George Carlin said it best "Do kids even play with sticks anymore?" Society has created indoor kids that don't have to use their imagination anymore. Schools tell them what to learn, how to learn it, and when to learn it. They color in the lines are told what to write about in their journals and that what they wrote isn't long enough or good enough.
Society tells adults that they don't do enough, make enough, have enough. They measure success by the car you drive, the house you live in, the clothes you wear, where you shop, where you get your hair done, the job you have, oh the list could go on. Who is setting these standards?
The MEDIA! All over TV we are told we are to fat, not politically correct (don't get me started on THAT one, that is a topic for another post), we need to stop bullying (again don't get me started) we have to accept everyone and everything that they do (oh and we HAVE to LIKE it!), that the government is on our side (LOL)ect......this list could go on forever.
When did we stop thinking for ourselves? Society has taught adults to color in the lines right along with our children. They even tell us how we should raise our children and how we should take care of our pets!
You can't have two Masters. Even Christians fall into the society rat trap. They pretend to live to a standard that they really can't meet. We are to strive to be Christ like, we can't obtain that. God knows this, he knows your heart, he knows your thoughts before they leave your lips. You can't hide from those thoughts and you sure can't hide them from God! Presenting yourself to others as perfect because you go to church isn't realistic. You turn to God because you are not perfect! He created you, He knows you, He loves you in spite of yourself!!
Discontentment comes because we have strayed away from being free thinkers. We have lost sight of what is really important. I am NOT pointing fingers at anyone, every single one of us are guilty of it at one time or another. God recognized this when he wrote the Ten Commandments. You know the ones, Thou shall not Kill ect...have you ever thought about the last one:
“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” Exodus 20:17. We covet all the time! How do you avoid doing this? Is it even possible? Clearly God knows it isn't.
So, back to my original statement...its time to get rid of this stinkin thinkin that society has pushed on us. Time to truly get our hearts, lives and souls occupied by the Kingdom of God not the Kingdom of Best Buy, Walmart, Disney ect.....Will we be perfect at this, I doubt it, will our imperfection be forgiven, DEFINITELY!! Will God help us attain it, sure He will all you have to do is ask. Will you trip over the latest and greatest new thing you just have to have, yeppers! (just being a realist here)When you do, just ask again. We really have to get back to basics!

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