Wow, what a roller coaster of a year! Ok so every year ends that way doesn't it. Looking back at the past 12 months, thinking "Wow some of that was really hard! Can't wait for a new year to start!". Really is any year different from each other. Oh the events change, the scenes change and even the people in the story change, but in reality the mountains we had in January usually seem like mole hills in December.
Our year started out on a high, went down to what we thought was a low and is ending higher than ever. Our mountains aren't even mole hills now.
Our family lost some great members, we lost a great friend. All were welcomed into the arms of Christ. Our sadness in losing them selfish in wanting more time to spend with them here. I say selfish...oh to wake to the beautiful face of our Lord and Savior! Dancing in heaven, pain and sickness free, waiting for us to join that's the life! We think of them often, very often. Donald duck on tv..yep that's my Uncle Donald. Poor man couldn't walk in the house when we were little without us (ok ME) wanting him to talk like a duck! He acted like he didn't want to, but did it anyway (shhh don't tell but I think he liked it too!) Man he could boil crawfish like no other! My Mamaw, now there is a woman of strength down to the end of her life. She taught us so much, things she didn't even realize she was teaching us. Now if she just would have taught us how to make her famous raspberry squares! Can't get them to come out the same. Funny the things that remind me of her...banana Laffy Taffy, dog treats (yes dog treats you read that right), paper plates, I could go on and on! Funny the things that bring back memories. Then there is Dr. Phil. Can't remember how we ended up calling him Dr. Phil, it just became his nick name. Wow he had a smile that could light up a room! Always a kind word, he just brightened your day by being him. Then there was Baby. I know most people wouldn't put their family pet right up there with loved one's but in our family pets don't know they aren't human and I am not about to be the one to let them in on that secret. Such a great dog! She was always so sweet to let my daddy use her recliner!
One business closed. That was a shocker to us. So many people poured their love out on us during that rough time. How many times did we hear "You will look back on this and realize it was a blessing!" I knew they were right, but in the midst of it all it is hard to see that far ahead. Well here it goes....they were right. We have been truly blessed by God to have the opportunity to work from home. We get to continue to spend all of our time together and love every second of it. No worrying about sitters for the girls when they are off of school! We have truly learned the value of family and spending time together. Yes that mountain is what it was when we were facing it...we just couldn't see around it. Funny I think we were just to close to it. God took us back and from here you can see it is a tiny little mound. Having that business brought us many dear friends. Some we are still close to today. Some came and shared a small part of our lives, many stayed and we are thankful to still have them in our lives. One of our dearest and oldest came back in our life and we are so happy to have regained that relationship, she is one of those that gives life that extra dose of sparkle. Not a glitter sparkle, a huge firework display sparkle, girl we love you and you know exactly who you are!!!!
New friends. Yep, gotta love new friends. Those that have their own special part in your story and you know that your story wouldn't be the same without them. Ok, some of them make life just plain interesting. Some add so much humor that you can't help but to love them. Some ground you and some give you wings, but each one is important, they make life so much sweeter!
On with the new. I am excited to see what God has in store for us in the coming year. I love that He is giving us hints that He is up to something. Little things that make us stop and think "why on Earth..." are His little hints of whats to come.
I am sure I have forgotten something, but hey I wouldn't be me if I didn't! May all my friends and family near and far look forward to an exciting New Year. Look forward to the speed bumps, and yes sometimes mountains, that life will throw at us all. Take the time to learn from each experience, embrace it, lean on you loved ones and friends and when its all over look back and praise God for carrying you through it. Blessings to you all!!!!!
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